Thursday, April 9, 2009

Its on sale!

This one's for the guys (girls - don't miss it)!
I think it was a girl who once said "A guy will buy a $2 item that he needs for $4, and a girl will buy a $4 item that she doesn't need at all for $2, provided its on sale!" I leave it to individuals to comment (at their own risk, of course), on how true this statement is.

What I've observed, to much amusement, is that this statement remains true of women, irrespective of age, cast, creed, location, cost of the object in question, etc... so much so, that in everyday life, if one notices closely, there are words and phrases used that are designed to (intentionally or unintentionally) make us guys believe that we're getting the deal of our lives!

A friend of mine, living in the US and a self confessed couch potato, who'd never get up to perform any task that she considers "physically taxing" (including taking a STROLL around the park), was recently heard pestering her boyfriend to take her shopping for skiing equipment!! In unrelated yet shockingly similar incidents, here's what I got to hear: "this offer for return airfare to Chile is 'only' 70 grand - its usually 1Lac - we MUST go" (this from a girl who's been talking about saving money all month) , or, "hey! prices of cars have fallen? I think I should buy my favorite one!" (its recession time, honey!), or, "look at electronics goods prices - they're giving out a 30% discount - I think I'll buy a TV" (but I thought you already had two at home), or my personal favourite - "I think real estate prices are down these days - I should look at setting up a cafe as space will be cheap" (sure, that *should* be the primary motivating factor)


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  3. i must confess - no matter hw mch women try denying this..they know this is true! KC, you've mastered the art of understanding women...wonder wot keeps u busy these days.. ;)

  4. u are right, i guess dont need to really convince u abt the fact that i can shop- anywhere, anytime whether i need it or not. To your credit u are a brilliant guy to shop with especially while picking shoes :)
