Friday, August 14, 2009

Shall the Freak inherit the earth?

Having twisted around the age-old quote on the meek in an outburst of familiar cynicism and considerable alarm, I went a little further down the road… my question to the world is - will this dreaded thing happen? Will the freak inherit the earth?

Throughout my short but rather eventful work life, I’ve met these freaks…literally every step of the way. I looked in various dictionaries, but the definition of the word, as I felt it, eluded me, until I hit upon exactly what I was looking for:

Freak (n): a person or animal on exhibition as an example of a strange deviation from nature; monster.

Monster - Bang on!

It’s these monsters I’m talking about. You see them everywhere – observe the loud, rowdy guy on the road, indiscriminately molesting, harassing, shouting, spitting. Chances are that it’s a deep-rooted inferiority complex, manifesting itself in over aggressive attention-seeking behaviour. Actually, one doesn’t need to go so far as the road – these freaks are commonly found lurking in office cabins and conference rooms as well – these locations are closer home to our young professional generation, and therefore the connection should be clearer. They might not spit, molest or harass, but rest assured, the behaviour is over aggressive and attention seeking, probably stemming from a similar inferiority complex as the chappie on the road.

I see these freaks exerting great influence over everyone they come in contact with – colleagues, vendors, agencies, subordinates, superiors, peons, etc. The part that really bakes my noodle (sorry, Oracle), is that no matter how loud, how obnoxious, how incompetent these freaks are, they always seem to succeed! They ARE taking over the world, whether we, the self-proclaimed “normal” people like it or not (mostly not). Like a virus, they’re prolific in multiplication, and I see more and more freaks all around me – the growth of the genre is alarming!

Will the “normal” people of today be able to withstand this onslaught? We know that normalcy is relative, like everything else in the universe – will the freaks of today be the "normals" of tomorrow? Will anyone half-decent be considered a freak?


  1. Extremely perceptive post. And as usual, a pleasure to read.
    The freak WILL NOT inherit the earth...It's quite like the theory of yin and yang. They're obnoxiously, disgustingly loud because there are people who let them be that way. In the absence of these "normal" people, as you put it, they'd probably realize how shallow their attempts at being popular are. It's ironic really- we are the catalysts for the existence of those we'd like to see eradicated.

  2. i am an idealist and hence would like to view the advent of freaks as a passing disaster...just like cholera, swine flu...hopefuly the ones who survive their onslaught will develop immunity and live hapily ever after :)

  3. A very relevant social issue!! The recent spate of over d top display of obnoxiousness n aggressiveness in reality shows is another example of this malady. I'd say that d attempt to establish an 'identity' which stems frm deep rooted insecurity is the root cause of the problem.
    Not predicting dooms day yet, but yes perhaps its time for d 'normal' to get assertive!

  4. Well aren't we all freaks?! When you get to know someone in a professional or personal relationship you're bound to find something freakish about them. Its all in our conditioning... something goes amiss somwhere and you are bound to have a freak streak in you. While most freaks learn to live and work with other freaks, its the super freaks that can probably upset the balance. Like sun storms I guess you never know when they will pop their big heads or what the consequence will be...

  5. good point; I guess over time, whatever is more prevelant comes to be accepted as "normal", so, the "mild" freaks are now normal people, and the "super" freaks are freaks...but therein lies the worry - the day super freaks inherit the earth, the current crop of normal, realtively easy to deal with mild freaks will be annihilated....

  6. i can sooooooooooooooo relate to this!! your next post should be about how does one deal with such there a way by which we can secretly wipe them off frm the planet??

  7. Well, while these "freaks" are indeed a royal pain in the posterior, I don't think they have got what it takes to inherit the earth! However, they are still a credible threat to our planet as they might lead to its end...gaaah!
